Photos of J-20’s Advanced Diverterless Supersonic Inlets

J-20's DSI

J-20’s DSI

J-20's DSI

J-20’s DSI

J-20's DSI

J-20’s DSI

J-20's DSI

J-20’s DSI

J-20's DSI

J-20’s DSI

J-20's DSI

J-20’s DSI

J-20's DSI

J-20’s DSI

Diverterless supersonic inlet (DSI), according to Wikipedia, is less complex, more reliable and lighter than other inlets. In addition, Wikipedia says “DSIs also crucially improve the aircraft’s very-low-observable characteristics (by eliminating radar reflections between the diverter and the aircraft’s skin). Additionally, the ‘bump’ surface reduces the engine’s exposure to radar, significantly reducing a strong source of radar reflection because they provide an additional shielding of engine fans against radar waves.”

Of the six fighter jets with DSI in Wikipedia’s list, all are Chinese ones (J-10B, JF-17, J-20, J-31 and JL-9) except America’s F-35.

Therefore, China’s mastery of DSI technology is well-known in the world. There is no need for to show off the above photos of J-20’s DSI.

However, as Chinese military fans are much interested in J-20’s functions and performance, they have taken and posted photos of J-20’s DSI to show their pride in China’s success. They are especially happy in doing so as Chinese government is not willing to do so.

That makes pro-US people, especially military fans, unhappy. Some of them give elaborate description of F-35’s superiority and exaggerated J-20’s weakness.

That certainly makes pro-Beijing readers unhappy. However, according to my experience, people indeed have helped me a lot by pointing out my errors and shortcomings no matter whether their intention is kind or not. I will be very happy if the pro-US readers point out J-20’s shortcomings. However, as they have no source of information, they are unable to effectively do so.

That is really a pity.

If they have professional knowledge, they may be able to find something unsatisfactory in the photos taken by Chinese fans that aimed at showing off J-20’s superiority.

Maybe they do have such knowledge, but Chinese fans refrain from posting photos that reveal anything unsatisfactory in J-20.

Indeed, pro-US readers should not be unhappy. They should know very well that those Chinese fans have PLA internal sources so that they need not wait day and night by the side of Chinese airfields to take photos of J-20’s test flights. The internal sources reveal to the fans before the tests and told them the time and place they can take photos satisfactorily and what they should included in their photos to show off J-20’s advantages.

Pro-US military fans simply have no such access to enable them to take photos of J-20’s test flights to find and show off J-20’s shortcomings. What a pity! They cannot help China improve J-20 by making China aware of J-20’s shortcomings.

In comparison, US military is better. They are too anxious to show off F-35. That perhaps scares its enemy. However, it enables its enemies to know in designing their rivals to F-35 what they need to include and what not. That saves them much costs and time. Moreover, it enables them to learn from F-35’s good design, functions and performance and include F-35’s good design in their designs.

It is good for US military that they can learn F-35’s shortcomings from unfavorable comments on what they have disclosed about F-35, but bad that others may copy F-35’s designs and know what their aircrafts shall have to deal with F-35.

China, however, keeps strict confidential information about J-20. It follows Sun Tzu’s teaching: The art of war is an art of deception; therefore show what you are unable to do when you are able to and you are not to use your military when you are …”

Comment by Chan Kai Yee on’s report “There is something profound in J-20’s air inlets: It caves in?”. The original report in Chinese can be found at

12 Comments on “Photos of J-20’s Advanced Diverterless Supersonic Inlets”

  1. Kam says:

    If the F-35 is such a “hopeless bird” then why did the Chinese J-20 copy so much of it? China is afraid of the F-22 and F-35. They know that they do not have anything to cope with the stealth detecting radar of the E-2D and that the J-20 has been rendered obsolete by new detection methods and networked warfare. Read about it here:

    Video: Successful F-35, SM-6 Live Fire Test Points to Expansion in Networked Naval Warfare


    • johnleecan says:

      The article posted is so believable for Americans. But for Chinese, we can say, “Kam din Lao pe lan!” which translate to “Kam you like Lao people!” Make sens ah!


    • Joseph says:

      Again the high almighty ‘networked warfare’, eh? Before, they planned to make the failed F-35 to be the most expensive surveillance plane ever made. Now are they trying to say that the old E-2D is better than the ever growing useless F-35? The E-2D could not even detect the obsolete F-117, what chance it could detect any other stealth? If any American radar could detect the J-20, they will have boasted it online endlessly. But instead, they rely on Chinese websites for information. Obviously American internet radar is far more advanced than any American military radars.


    • Joseph says:

      There are no proof but wild overblown allegations that J-20 copied F-35. But there are real proof that the American tried to copy Chinese DSI technology. Ferrari often says that Lamborghini copied their model because their often look alike model, but the fact is that Lamborghini is way far better than Ferrari can dream on.


    • Kam says:

      Can the J-20 supercruise? F-35 and F-22 can, I need evidence that J-20 which is the size of a Boeing 737 by the way, can cruise at supersonic speeds.


      • Joseph says:

        Is there any proof that the F-35 can supercruise? The American only shows some videos that the F-35 could ‘fly’. And those F-35 did not even use its designated engines, but the old F-16 engines.
        Not even the huge MiG-31 is the size of Boeing 737. Although the J-20 is a lot bigger than the fat F-35, it is actually only a little larger than F-22. Both J-20 and F-22 have larger wing area than F-35. That’s what makes both large J-20 and F-22 sleeker than the smaller but bulkier F-35. However, the size of Boeing 737 is actually better as it would have more wing area and space for extra engines to supercruise better. The F-35 size is so ridiculously small that it may only be suitable for drone. The designer did suggest to eliminate the need for pilots to overcome performance problems. American pilots do have more weight than most Chinese pilots. Perhaps the F-35’s designers should take a look at Chinese Ehang drone. They actually put a person on a drone and it flies. I am sure the R&D for this Ehang is a lot cheaper than for F-35


    • Mad Max says:

      Applying the CIA and Washington Post’s FAKE News tactics now are we? Making assertions without acceptable proof or with hyped info. F*ck off you American wumao. (For Chinese, there’s no such word as “wumao”. It’s a word created by Amercans to denigrate other people; Words such as “taikonauts”, “cosmonauts” which will eventually be associated with smear words and propaganda while their “astronauts” remains looking good with continuous public relations exercises in the MSM).


      • Joseph says:

        Obviously wumao is an America offensive language for the American. I believe wumao means hairless. Is it offensive to call American hairless? I wonder.


  2. Joseph says:

    It is not surprising at all that American ‘analysts’ would discredit Chinese J-20, no matter how good it is, and to glorify American F-35, no matter how hopeless it is. The fact that the American often switch to glorify the older and obsolete F-22 instead, has shown that the F-35 is beyond hopeless to find any excuses to glorify. The F-35 is really representation of the fat ‘Mighty Eagle’ on American Angry Bird movie, in which the Mighty Eagle, who was depicted as this swift and powerful bird, was actually a fat bird that can barely fly. And like the Mighty Eagle, the fat F-35 would need some impossible miracle to pull out its glorified performance, to fly
    DSI is a Chinese concept and innovation, even the one found on American F-35. The American might acquire it through espionage or the poaching of Chinese scientists. That’s why American DSI is so imperfect. The lack of Chinese scientists to be poached willing to work for the American, has made the American to desperately outsource their poached Chinese scientists to South East Asian Chinese, including from Indonesia, where American Green Card still has some value for prestige, but losing its appeal fast because of its inadequate American salary. American salary just can’t match growing SE Asian economic prosperities delivered by China these days. It means that unless the local American scientists could grow some brains fast, the DSI is just a non-working concept for the American. All they can do is watch Chinese website to boast their achievement while trying hard to ‘doubt’ it. The American always wants the Chinese to be ‘open’ about their projects. Well can the American handle what the Chinese has to show? On the bright side for the American, with the Chinese shows a lot, the American can save a lot from their growing-incompetent espionage. They can go back to spy on their Trump-Putin connection.


    • Tyler Reber says:

      If China is practicing Sun Tzu’s teachings: the art of war is the art of deception, then who can blame Americans for doubting Chinese technology. Certainly, fooling a biased public isn’t a challenge, especially when billions are spent by the US government and lockheed martin on public relations to manipulate public opinion for approval.

      Instead, the only reliable sources left is the US government for detailed reports of its own weapon systems and renowned experts in those fields who are unafilliated with those programs.

      The public are easily fooled, but is the US government as fooled about Chinese technology? Now 70% of Americas military force has been pivoted to China. If the government mirrored the publics attitude towards China, then I don’t think it would have pivoted such a massive military force. To me, that in it self proves the Chinese military has placed a mighty throne on top of the world stage because no other country in the world can get that kind of military attention from the US.

      Will the US one day discover that it needs to pivot more? If so, then they have been decieved.

      The most believable article I read about a US weapon system was written by investors that like to make a buck. They wrote an article about why the bunker buster wasn’t a good investment choice, because it could only penetrate 6 feet of soft soil in Alasaka. It fell at an angle which meant it had the tendency to be deflected back out of the ground. It could never work on Irans reinforced concrete bunkers. That meant it’s likely not going to be a popular weapon choice for any military branch. Of course the public ‘awwed’ at the massive ordance penetrator as if all were doomed before it, reflecting on the nice brochure that came with it, “will penetrate hundreds of feet.”


      • Joseph says:

        It is true that American government is not easily fooled as American fool public. But fooled American public opinion is often made to justify American government irresponsible actions. Take South China Sea, no one in America cared about the SCS before 2012. But because of American campaign of deception, they support their government only because they have new enemy China, eventhough most of them don’t even know what it is about. Donald Trump had all his campaign rethoric from public knowledge and won’t the election. Yet, now that he is president-elect, he is at odd with his would be spy masters for the intelligence they provide.


        • Tyler Reber says:

          Its the government wanting to do something that justify them to manipulate public opinion, not because its public opinion that justifies government reasons to want it. Because that would be a democratic process and Americas top class doesn’t work that way.

          Most of the time public opinion is redirected to something completely irrelevant.
