The X-37B Spaceplane Is Gearing Up for Its Next Mission

Much of what it does up there is classified.

U.S. Air Force
  • One of America’s two X-37B spaceplanes is currently being prepped for a mid-May blastoff.
  • The spaceplane has spent up to 780 days in space.
  • Every flight has lasted longer than the previous one, possibly signaling that the X-37B might return in August 2022—or later.

The next mission for the X-37B spaceplane could break yet another record, lasting far longer than two years. The unmanned space drone, known for flying marathon missions in low-Earth orbit, is poised to spend a record amount of time performing classified missions for the U.S. Air Force. The spacecraft, set to launch into space on May 16, might well not return until mid-2022 or later.

The National Interest reports that the U.S. Space Force and United Launch Alliance are prepping for OTV-6, the sixth X-37B mission. The X-37B will blast off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, riding atop a liquid fueled Atlas V rocket. The Air Force is as always being tight-lipped about the shuttle’s mission.

Traditionally the service says very little about what the X-37B does in space. Often the spaceplane conducts seemingly mundane orbital experiments for the Air Force Research Lab, but it is understood to conduct multiple missions per launch. OTV-5’s public mission included experiments involving testing “experimental electronics and oscillating heat pipes in the long duration space environment.” Later, observers of the X-37B program discovered it also quietly released three satellites, designated USA 295, 296, and 297. Their purpose remains unknown.

The two-ship X-37B fleet has performed a total of five space missions, each lasting considerably longer than the previous one. The spaceplanes, lacking a human cargo and in part powered by solar panels, can remain in space far longer than manned craft. OTV-1 was launched in April 2010 and spent 225 days in space. OTV-2 went up in March 2011 and spent 469 days in space, double the previous flight. OTV-3 spent 675 days in space and OTV-4 spent 718. OTV-5 landed at Cape Canaveral in October 2019 after spending 780 days in space.

Could OTV-6 last 800 days or longer? It’s quite possible, but then again its payload bay is as large (or small) as a pickup truck’s. It’s not clear the ship can pack enough experiments—and secret satellites—to justify an 800 day trip.

Then again, the Air Force may just be interested in seeing how long the X-37B can stretch its already long record in orbit.

Source: Popular Mechanics “The X-37B Spaceplane Is Gearing Up for Its Next Mission”

Note: This is Popular Mechanics’ article I post here for readers’ information. It does not mean that I agree or disagree with the article’s views.

5 Comments on “The X-37B Spaceplane Is Gearing Up for Its Next Mission”

  1. Joseph says:

    And, the X-37B would join the F-35, the Zumwalt, the USS Gerald Ford and the Virginia-class submarine to be the next casualty of Chinese scientists abandoning America. What else? Already, without Chinese scientists, the American scientists do not even have any idea what to test when they launch it into space. Well, it is really good that the space ‘shuttle’ could stay on space longer. It may defeat the purpose and definition of the X-37 for being a ‘shuttle’. After all, what’s the point of a shuttle to stay longer our there when it is supposed to be back and forth, productively. But itt could be American makeshift space station when the ISS is finally scrapped. It is not that America can afford to build another ISS anyway. For one, the American would have to beg Putin to get another Zarya service module. Imagine the filth of the X-37 would be after extended period in space when they finally put real crew on board. The American might design the shuttle to last longer, but do they actually design and test longer lasting onboard toilet? The Russian does, hygiene is more important to the Russian than the American. Perhaps that’s why they have so little case of Corona virus compared to America.


  2. johnleecan says:

    As always, Americans are not being transparent about their X-37B space plane missions and objectives. With its long and documented history of waging wars and illegal economic sanctions and bio warfare, the American government isn’t to be trusted. Even during the American coronavirus pandemic, they ordered their military to hide the numbers and keep silent about the true infections within their military. American government are not testing enough their citizens because they are unimportant and is trying to hide the true number of infections that is bound to be in the millions already. A veteran’s retirement home was also neglected and 68 veterans were left to die horribly without care. Is this what Trump means everything is under control?

    The world needs America to come clean about Fort Detrick’s bio warfare lab coronavirus leak. The world needs to sue and ask for compensation for the hundred of trillions of dollars lost worldwide during the 2007-2008 financial crisis caused by the corrupt American government wanton disregard of sound economic policies and of only favoring the rich, the powerful, the elites and politicians in America.


    • Steve says:

      Not only Fort Detrick biochemical lab – according to Chinese media, the US military has many international bio lab in several countries, in Ukraine the US established 16 biochemical labs and one each in several of the “tan’ countries, All surrounding China and Russia. China and Russia wants to know why so many bio labs and all surrounding China and Russia. The US will never come clean, they are deceiving scoundrels


      • johnleecan says:

        Yes. Of the 800+ American bases around the world, 400+ are equipped with bio warfare labs. I bet most people doesn’t know this. And anyone who believes those American bio warfare labs outside of the USA would be for the good of humanity is really stupid.


        • Steve says:

          US govt. is the most toxic, groundlessly slander China on the spread of Covid19. Latest news – the five eyes says they have enormous evidence and support that the coronavirus came from Wuhan biolab and China stocked up medical supplies in preparation for the spread of Covid19. China is well supported by UK Lancet report, WHO and viral specialist. This latest dossier is Trump’s make or break. His presidential re-election is on the line. We now wait for China to slam the dossier.
