US, EU Unable to Compete with China’s BRI

China’s Silk Road economic belt and 21st century Silk Road initiative (BRI) aims at having win-win cooperation with countries that need construction of infrastructures of roads, railways, power plants, etc. to facilitate their economic growth and connections with China for benefit from each other’s market. As a result both China and the country concerned have been benefited. It does not aim at enhancing China’s geopolitical influence but it may in fact enhance China’s geopolitical influence there.

That seems to worry not only the US but also EU. Their officials and media try to make BRI unpopular by the lies that BRI is China’s evil debt traps to control countries concerned with excessive debts that the borrowing countries are unable to repay. The lie they have kept repeated is China’s excessive loans to Sri Lanka for the construction of Hambantota port and thus forced Sri Lanka to repay the debt with the port. However, facts proved that a Chinese company paid about $1 billion for 85% of the shares in two Sri Lanka companies that have the right to operate the port.

Through years of efforts, BRI has become increasingly popular as its projects do have benefited both China and the countries concerned.

Finding all their lies have been broken by fact, now according to Reuters’ report “G7 aims to raise $600 billion to counter China’s Belt and Road” yesterday, they now want to raise funds to compete with China’s BRI. We may ask why the US and EU did not provide funds for poor countries’ construction of infrastructures when China was much poorer than them. They do not compete with China in win-win cooperation to benefit poor countries but want better geopolitical influence than China.

However, unlike China they do not have surplus funds for their infrastructure projects. As a result, unlike China they, whether government or private inverters want quick substantial return to their investment. As in the past 8 years, BRI has almost got all projects with quick or substantial returns there are few projects left for the US and EU. Under such circumstances it is impossible for the US and EU to raise the funds they have promised. Even if they had been able to, they would not be able to find enough projects to compete with China.

Moreover, as they lack the political stability, they cannot be sure that their government remain committed to the plan for five years. The US, especially, cannot be sure the next administration will be led by Biden or another Democratic president to remain committed to the plan. In fact, even if the next president is a Democrat, there is no guarantee that he/she will keep on implementing Biden’s plan.

The fact now is that the US cannot fix or rebuild its own poor and dangerous old roads, railways, airports and bridges or transform its poor old power plants and grids that have often suffered outage for days due to severe storm.

Comment by Chan Kai Yee on Reuters’ report, full text of which can be viewed at

7 Comments on “US, EU Unable to Compete with China’s BRI”

  1. komonsense says:

    After a year, biface biden’s build back better for all of 6 million out of the billions it boasted
    Iran and Argentina just requested BRIC membership.
    China and Russia should station its military in bric countries to counter NATO. Kick India to the curb, where those white appendage sucking parasites belong
    The thought of Satan and or the g7 raising anywhere near 600 billion is ludicrous.


    • komonsense says:

      — got all of 6 million…
      India did not show its true colors at brics’ formation, but now that it has, and China being much stronger all around, there is zero reason to associate with vermin . Brics was formed out of economic turmoil and needed everyone they could get. They now need to expose the traitorious troublemaking indiotic useless parasite and excise it like putting a lighter to a leech.
      N.o.t.h.i.n.g. good ever came from smelly ,dirty Hindu pieces of shit. They actually think they are somebody now because Satan is propping them up. Bastards need to pay for their cowardly ambush. Second 054 frigate delivered to pak. a few days ago


      • komonsense says:

        Furthermore, all we hear from the land of no toilets is how they want to ban everything Chinese. Also, indiots bring little to nothing to the table. Iran and Argentina are far more valuable.
        If the indiots actually think that they are anything other than a laughingstock for others, then they should go it alone.
        Keeping India is insane . Akin to inviting someone in to your home and he defecates on your carpet and expects to stay for supper
        Is there a single cuntry that welcomes indiots?


  2. Simon says:

    The West is struggling and people there could not afford to feed, drive or put the heaters on, people are going hungry and qeue at food banks, there is no chance of finding money for vanity project around the world. Disinformation media such as the BBC keeps on saying Russian blockade of Ukraine farm produce is having devastating effect on poor African countries and that Russia must stop its blockade but the real reason is they want the produce from Ukraine for themselves and could not care less about Africa. People in Britain are skipping meals and fear the worse when the weather gets cold.


    • Allen Lau says:

      The US foreign policy is a joke. It has managed to antagonize everyone from South American states to middle east countries. Developing countries have demonstrated (in the UN) that it would rather stay as far away from the US as possible. The US own financial record is dismal. Its national debt passed 30 trillion unceremoniously. With rising interest rates, the US will be hard pressed to refinance all these debs.


    • johnleecan says:

      “but the real reason is they want the produce from Ukraine for themselves and could not care less about Africa”

      Very true and definitely agree. America and its lapdog allies have time and time again shown their true colors and have done differently from what they preach.


      • johnleecan says:

        Anyone saw the video of how Nancy Pelosi elbowed new US House Rep Mexican-American Mayra Flores’ daughter to make more room for herself in a photo session? This really shows how racist Nancy Pelosi view and treat non-whites. I’m sure she wouldn’t do it to a white kid. This shows how the west always preach others to do what they tell you to do but they never do what they preach.
