China’s Y-20 Large Freight Aircraft World Class

Tang Changhong, chief designer of Y-20 large transport aicraft

Tang Changhong, chief designer of Y-20 large transport aicraft

In an interview with reporters during the NPC (Nationa People’s Congress, China’s rubber-stamp parliament) and CPPCC (Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, China’s top advisory body) annual sessions, Y-20 chief designer Tang Changhong said that Y-20 is China’s new generation of heavy military transport aircraft with better engines and electronic equipment and greater payload compared with Russian Il-76.

Its major functions and performance meets modern technological standards. With a heavy takeoff load of 200 tons, its wide and fat fuselage is of light and strong structure and it carries advanced aircraft system as China has made breakthroughs in lots of key technologies. The aircraft is able to operate in poor environment.

This blogger pointed out in his previous posts, China has obtained assistance from Ukraine in developing Y-20. Tang hinted that he had got assistance from abroad in the interview as he said, “What after all shall be the way for China’s aviation development? It depends on our own attitude. Key technologies and top technologies are not available to buy. Meanwhile, if we do not open up and entirely work alone without opening up to the outside world to exploit the technologies available, it is difficult to make progress.”

Source: “Y-20 chief designer: Major functions of China’s large transport aircraft meet modern technological standards” (summary by Chan Kai Yee based on the report in Chinese)

Having Caught up with the Best, China’s Weapon Creation Even Tougher

Yang Wei, chief designer of China's new-type fighter jet

Yang Wei, chief designer of China’s new-type fighter jet

During the current annual NPC and CPPCC sessions, China Aviation News reporter had a special interview with Wu Guanghui, Tang Changhong and Yang Wei, respectively chief designer of C919 large airliner, large transport aircraft and new-type fighter jet and listened to the three CPPCC member aircraft chief designers’ talks on Chinese aviation engineers’ creation, exploration and dream—to make China rich and militarily strong.

According to Yang Wei, in the past, China had clear target to catch up as others were more advanced. He says, “Now we are close to them and even equal to or surpass them in some areas. At that time, the challenges we are facing are even grimmer. Under the circumstance of having no clear target to catch up, the difficulty of creation is not at the same order of magnitude as that in the past.”

Source: “Chief designer Yang Wei: No clear target to catch up, creation even more difficult” (summary by Chan Kai Yee based on the report in Chinese)

China’s Y-20 Large Transport Aircraft in Service Soon said in its report yesterday that Tang Changhong, a CPPCC (China Political Consultative Conference, a political advisory body with the status of semi-parliament organization) member and chief engineer of Y-20 project in China Aviation Industry Corporation, disclosed yesterday the tremendous progress China had made in developing its three large airplanes:

Y-20 large transport will hopefully be delivered to users soon;

C919 large airliner will have a fully assembled prototype; and

So will AG600 large amphibious aircraft that will begin maiden flight in 2016.

Tang said that China was developing transport aircrafts larger and smaller than Y-20 to meet various different demands. The medium-sized one will carry a load of 20 tons.

To a reporter’s question whether 3D printing is used in making Y-20, Tang said that the technology is used in making all kinds of aircrafts.

Source: “Tang Changhong: Development of Y-20 increasingly mature and delivery of the aircraft will hopefully be made within a short period of time” (summary by Chan Kai Yee based on the report in Chinese)